It is well known that one of the biggest problem in the flexo print is the continous printing, since the edge cutting is a critical topic.
With the standard printing plates it's not possible to obtain a continuous print, but it is sometimes very important to minimize the gap between the two plate edges, due to the graphic, the printing subject, etc.
We can offer an effective device to help the mounting operator to achieve the best edges match possible.
The SysTec's edge cutter is composed by a mechanical group sliding on precision linear guides, perfectly parallel to the sleeve.
The blade holder can be adjusted in any position, and the depth of the blade is set through a micrometric screw.
The process to obtain a perfect edge cut is very easy:
- set the depth of the blade
- slide the cutter to cut the first edge
- lay down the second edge and stick it accurately
- cut the second edge

The SysTec's Edge Cutter is the perfect solution for obtaining smooth and straight cuts, with no gap between the plate edges.

Author: Massimo Caliari